Crosbie says party faithful left the PC Convention in Gander on the weekend with a “sense of forward momentum.”
While the convention did not include a leadership review, Crosbie has been openly discussing plans for a review of his leadership sometime in the spring. He says the party is overhauling it’s constitution which needs updating. That includes outdated references to the federal Progressive Conservatives.
He says the constitution does not currently include an automatic leadership review after every general election. That’s a modern practice in other jurisdictions, and he’s willing to put himself through that process even if it’s not included in the party constitution.
As for charisma, Crosbie says the results of VOCM’s own Question of the Day Friday indicate that charisma is not a top priority when it comes to leadership.
68 per cent of respondents indicated they prefer a political leader with intelligence, compared to just 4 per cent who prefer charisma.