The organization which represents early childhood educators in the province is voicing their concerns regarding government’s decision to require childcare centres to open and provide care to the children of essential workers.
In an open letter, The Association of Early Childhood Educators outlines what they consider to be numerous problems with government’s plan.
Some of the concerns include a daycare’s ability to provide care while also abiding by COVID-19 prevention measures currently in place, such as social distancing.
They wonder how workers can be expected to keep rooms full of small children apart, and adequately comfort them when upset.
As well, they say it would be impossible for ECE’s to maintain the level of sensitization required to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Another point of contention is the idea that some centres could lose their compensation package if they refuse to open their doors when asked. They say ECEs who do work should receive additional compensation for risking their health and if ECE’s choose not to work, their compensation should not be affected.
Daycare operators say what is being mandated is emergency custodial care and not early learning and child care. They support finding ways to provide care for the children of essential workers, and they don’t know what the right answers are. However, what is proposed is not what’s best for ECEs and their families.