The City of Ottawa is preparing for convoy of truckers protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandate for cross-border drivers.
While protestors have started to arrive, Ottawa police has been informed by the organizers that the main protest will happen on Saturday and Sunday.
The organizers have told police the demonstration will be peaceful in nature, and consist of several large trucks.
Police are ensuring that emergency lanes will be kept clear in the downtown core of the city, although they do not have a confirmed number of participants or duration of the protest.
However, Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly says some things are out of their control with a demonstration of this size.
He says while they have been in constant communication with the organizers, they are aware of some parallel demonstrators who they have been unable to reach.
They are aware of people on social media inciting hate, violence and criminality, however they do not know if these people will travel to the city for the demonstration.