If you have noticed a big increase in your most recent light bill—you are not alone. The issue has dominated discussion in recent days on VOCM Open Line and on social media, but Newfoundland Power says what many customers are encountering might simply be associated with heating costs in the dead of winter.
The last change in electricity rates—a 2.5 per cent increase—came in July. Newfoundland Power says if your main heat source is electric, then you may have seen an increase. Electric baseboard heaters have to work harder in colder weather and Newfoundland Power suggests, the high winds experienced of late aren’t making things any easier. In many parts of the province, the number of days with high wind has been above-average over the last month.
Newfoundland Power suggests that more people working from home, and kids learning virtually for most of January, have also had an impact on electricity bills.
The power utility says customers should check the number of kilowatt hours used and the number of billing days when comparing one month over another.
Tips on ways to save electricity can be found online.