Another raucous day in the House of Assembly, and a lot of the discussion focused on the province’s announcement about fertility services.
Tory Paul Dinn first raised the issue in the house, questioning the amount of subsidy that people can receive.
The amount is $5,000 per cycle, for up to three treatments.
Dinn doesn’t think that’s near enough.
When he questioned Health Minister John Haggie about it, the minister characterized the money as a “generous” amount, once again saying that it’s aimed at leveling the playing field.
Things became much more heated, however, when the questions turned to the establishment of an IVF clinic in the province.
Dinn accused Premier Andrew Furey of “misleading” people by promising such a clinic.
Haggie fired back at that comment, saying that nobody was misled, and what they committed to was reviewing gaps in the current system.