Ronald McDonald House has announced its Family Time Park campaign to redevelop its outdoor areas to give children a space to play and have fun.
The $750,000 campaign will see numerous upgrades. The area will be fenced in with a playground equipped with an accessible swing set, rubber play surface, a BBQ/patio area, and nature-based areas.
Over $325,000 of the money has already been raised through private donations, and $100,000 came from a capital reserve account created in 2019.
They’re hoping to break ground on the project this spring and have it completed in time for RMHC’s 10th anniversary in September.
Christina Morgan, Director of Development and Communications, says having an outdoor space for families and their sick kids to use is important.
She says spending excessive amounts of time in the hospital can take a toll on sick kids and their families. As well, she says many of those children have compromised immune systems, meaning going to public events is a risky move.
A radiothon is being held next Wednesday afternoon by VOCM and VOCM Cares in support of the project.