Despite the impact of ice and wind conditions this year, Labrador Marine says the number of missed crossings on the Strait of Bell Isle compares favourably to 2019 and 2020, which were also severe ice seasons.
The Coast Guard views 2019 as the most difficult in terms of ice in 50 years.
In early March, sustained winds created extreme ice pressure off St. Barbe for a 5-day period, making it impossible for the Coast Guard icebreaker to open a channel for Qajaq W. High winds also impacted the service that month, accounting for four missed trips.
Since the March 3 to 7 period, ice pressure has moderated somewhat, and crossings have been completed on most days.
Labrador Marine general manager Austin Daley says the ice season in the Straits will last for several more weeks as they are now seeing heavy Arctic ice instead of ice formed in the Straits and the Gulf earlier in the winter.