Smith’s Ambulance in Whitbourne is suing the provincial government after the company’s contract was severed earlier this month.
Court papers claim that the termination of Smith’s contract was not in compliance with the terms of the Ambulance Service Agreement between Smith’s, Eastern Health and the Department of Health.
Smith’s has been in operation since 1996. Owner Wade Smith calls the turn of events “devastating.”
He can’t believe Eastern Health and government took the action they did, and that the company never had a chance to plead their case even though the service agreement clearly outlines how that’s done.
Smith says he’s also written the Health Minister and Premier’s Office to plead his case, but to no avail. He questions the validity of the tri-party contract with government and Eastern Health.
“There’s a process in the agreement to follow,” says Smith, “If that contract is not followed, does that mean it’s not worth the paper that it’s written on?”