It is not believed that Mount Pearl’s refusal to join the Regional Economic Development Agency will have negative consequences on their relationships in the region.
The agency was announced at a joint news conference yesterday with St. John’s, Paradise and CBS.
A glaring absence from that event was the city of Mount Pearl, which has decided not to participate in the initiative.
St. John’s Mayor Danny Breen doesn’t believe that the absence of a major player in the region will hinder the agency’s work.

St. John’s Mayor Danny Breen
He says the boundaries between the communities in metro are almost non-existent these days, and what’s good for one is good for all.
Mount Pearl Mayor Dave Aker doesn’t believe Mount Pearl choosing to go a different route will have any negative impact.
Aker asserts that the sign of a good relationship is when people can disagree constructively and still move on. He also references how what’s good for one community is good for all.