The province has announced a number of housing and settlement supports for Ukrainians who have arrived in Newfoundland and Labrador since the Russian invasion.
Immigration Minister Gerry Byrne this morning outline a number of programs including a province-wide homestay program whereby families willing to host Ukrainian newcomers will receive $1,000 monthly for up to five months.
A moving expense allowance of $2,000 will be provided to Ukrainians who are moving from temporary digs to leased accommodations in the metro region. That allowance rises to $4,000 for areas outside the St. John’s metro region and $6,000 for Labrador.
Plus a $3 million call for proposals has been issued for innovative housing projects for Ukrainians that includes repurposing vacant property, housing repair and maintenance assistance and co-housing initiatives.
Government is also expanding access to conversational English classes and workplace-based English support for Ukrainians.
Minister Byrne says the new supports will help families still looking for permanent housing and work.

(Photo via Andrew Furey Twitter page.)
In addition to the housing supports, a new Ukraine Job Connect initiative is being put in place.
Employment supports offered by Ukraine Job Connect include:
- A 42-week wage subsidy (up to $12 per hour for eligible employers); 70 percent for first 14 weeks, 60 percent for second 14 weeks; and 80 percent for third 14 weeks
- Short-term training to connect to employment (e.g., preparing for work in building sector, retail or restaurants
- Matching qualified Ukrainians to employers looking to fill vacancies
- Assistance with credential assessment, language training and immigration
- Helping employers with settlement services and cultural competency training