The government is going to phase out the 1.6-km restriction on access to school bussing in the K-12 system.
The geographical limitation has been in existence for decades, but changes will be phased in beginning this school year. That means over 4,000 students who previously could not set foot on the bus without an exemption will be able to ride the bus next month. That amounts to about 50 percent within the zone, with the rest being provided transportation the following September.
Once fully implemented, any student who lives within 1.6-km of a school that has bus services will be able to avail publicly-funded transportation.
Premier Andrew Furey says it’s another move to modernize the K-12 education system.
Schools Implementing the Transportation Change for September 2023
A. P. Low Primary Labrador K-3
Acreman Elementary Avalon K-6
All Hallows Elementary Avalon K-6
Amalgamated Academy Avalon 4-9
Anthony Paddon Elementary Central K-6
Ascension Collegiate Avalon 10-12
Baccalieu Collegiate Avalon 7-12
Baltimore School Complex Avalon K-12
Bay Roberts Primary Avalon K-3
Bayview Academy Western K-12
Beachy Cove Elementary Avalon K-4
Belanger Memorial School Western K-12
Bishop White School Central K-12
Bonne Bay Academy Western K-12
Brian Peckford Primary Western K-3
Cabot Academy Avalon K-6
Canon Richards High School Western K-12
Cape St. Francis Elementary Avalon K-6
Carbonear Academy Avalon K-8
Carbonear Collegiate Avalon 9-12
Catalina Elementary School Central K-8
Centreville Academy Central K-9
Christ the King School Central K-12
Clarenville High School Central 10-12
Clarenville Middle School Central 7-9
Copper Ridge Academy Western K-12
Cottrell’s Cove Academy Central K-12
Cowan Heights Elementary Avalon K-7
Crescent Collegiate Avalon 7-12
Discovery Collegiate Central 7-12
Donald C. Jamieson Academy Central K-7
Dorset Collegiate Western 7-12
Dunne Memorial Academy Avalon K-12
E. A. Butler All Grade Western K-12
Exploits Valley High Western 10-12
Exploits Valley Intermediate Western 7-9
Fatima Academy Avalon K-12
Fogo Island Central Academy Central K-12
Forest Park Primary Western K-3
Fortune Bay Academy Central K-12
Frank Roberts Junior High Avalon 7-9
French Shore Academy Western K-12
Grandy’s River Collegiate Western K-12
Green Bay South Academy Western K-6
Greenwood Academy Central K-9
Gros Morne Academy Western K-12
Hampden Academy Western K-12
Hazelwood Elementary Avalon K-6
Henry Gordon Academy Labrador K-12
Heritage Collegiate Central 7-12
Hillview Academy Central K-9
Holy Cross All Grade Western K-12
Holy Cross Elementary (Holyrood) Avalon K-6
Holy Cross School Complex Central K-12
Holy Family Elementary (Chapel Arm) Avalon K-6
Holy Name of Mary Academy Central K-12
Holy Trinity High Avalon 9-12
Immaculate Conception Elementary Avalon K-6
J. R. Smallwood Middle School Labrador 4-7
Jane Collins Academy Central 10-12
John Watkins Academy Central K-12
Juniper Ridge Intermediate Avalon 5-8
Labrador Straits Academy Labrador K-12
Lake Melville School Labrador K-12
Leading Tickles Primary Central K-3
Long Range Academy Western K-12
Lumsden Academy Central K-9
Main River Academy Western K-12
Mary Queen of Peace Elementary Avalon K-6
Mary Queen of the World Elementary Avalon K-6
Marystown Central High School Central 10-12
Mealy Mountain Collegiate Labrador 8-12
Menihek High School Labrador 8-12
New World Island Academy Central K-12
Our Lady of the Cape School Western K-8
Paradise Elementary Avalon K-5
Paradise Intermediate Avalon 6-8
Peacock Primary School Labrador K-3
Pearce Junior High School Central 8-9
Pearson Academy Central K-12
Perlwin Elementary Avalon K-6
Persalvic Elementary Avalon K-8
Phoenix Academy Central K-12
Piccadilly Central High Western 9-12
Point Leamington Academy Central K-12
Queen of Peace Middle School Labrador 4-7
Random Island Academy Central K-12
Riverside Elementary Central K-6
Riverwood Academy Central K-12
Roncalli Central High Avalon 7-12
Sacred Heart Academy Central K-7
Sandstone Academy Central K-6
Southwest Arm Academy Central K-12
Sprucewood Academy Western 4-6
St. Andrew’s Elementary Avalon K-5
St. Anne’s Academy Avalon K-6
St. Augustine’s Elementary Avalon K-6
St. Bernard’s Elementary Avalon K-4
St. Catherine’s Academy Avalon K-12
St. Edward’s School Avalon K-6
St. Francis of Assisi Elementary Avalon K-6
St. Francis School Avalon K-8
St. George’s Elementary Avalon K-6
St. James Regional High Western 7-12
St. Joseph’s Academy Central K-12
St. Joseph’s All Grade Central K-12
St. Mark’s School Central K-12
St. Mary’s Elementary Avalon K-6
St. Peter’s Elementary (UIC) Avalon K-9
Stella Maris Academy Avalon K-12
Stephenville Elementary Western 4-5
Templeton Academy Western K-12
Tricentia Academy Central K-12
Truman Eddison Memorial Western K-6
Valmont Academy Western K-12
Viking Trail Academy Western K-12
Woodland Elementary Avalon K-6
Woodland Primary Western K-3
École des Grands-Vents Francophone K-6
École Rocher-du-Nord Francophone 7-12
École Notre-Dame-du-Cap Francophone K-8
École Sainte-Anne Francophone K-12
École Boréale Francophone K-12
École l’ENVOL Francophone K-12