A man who protested against his treatment at the Whitbourne Boys’ Home in the 1970s is reviving his protest at the Confederation Building today.
Jack Whalen first displayed his replica of the detention cell where he was confined as a child at the Confederation Building in June.
Whalen reveals that he endured a total of 730 days in the dark and dismal space over a span of four years. At one juncture, he endured 87 consecutive days of confinement, only being allowed out for bathroom use.
This was in addition to other forms of mental and physical abuse he endured at the home.
Whalen’s objective is to draw attention to the abuse he and others experienced, as well as to protest against the statute of limitations on the situation, which prevents him from seeking compensation in court.
Whalen, who will be present at the Confederation Building today and tomorrow starting at 8:30 a.m., intends to take his reconstructed cell to other communities across the province before concluding his protest in the nation’s capital.