The minister of justice is satisfied with legal decisions regarding solicitor-client privilege as it relates to ATIPPA and the Privacy Commissioner.
Commissioner Michael Harvey wants government to restore the authority of his office to demand to see certain records in order to ensure that government and public bodies are being open and transparent as required by law.
Harvey was responding to a ruling by the Court of Appeal NL that the Commissioner will no longer be able to demand to see certain records.
He equates that to a return to Bill 29.
Harvey says the system works best when there are institutional checks and balances in place such as with his office.
Minister John Hogan is satisfied to leave the system as is, whereby the courts render the final decision. Harvey agrees that the courts are in important part of the access to information issue, but going through the courts takes a very long time.
He maintains that government should draft legislation whereby solicitor-client privilege and legal advice under ATIPPA is clearly spelled out, rather than leaving it up to the courts.