The power players, including Newfoundland and Labrador’s Andrew Furey, in New England and Eastern Canada are getting together today in Quebec City today to talk energy.
They are meeting at the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Conference.
Quebec Premier Francois Legault tweeted out that discussion focused on green energy and critical minerals, something which Newfoundland and Labrador has in abundance.
Quebec is interested in expanding its supply of electricity with one suggestion being the development of Gull Island in Labrador. The Maritimes are also interested in Labrador power, which would have to be transported through what’s being labelled the “Atlantic Loop.” That idea is in its formative stages.
Ce soir, j’ai accueilli les gouverneurs de la Nouvelle-Angleterre et les premiers ministres de l’Est du Canada pour l’ouverture de la 44e rencontre de la CGNA-PMEC qui se tient à Québec. Nos rencontres de demain porteront entre autres sur l’économie verte.
— François Legault (@francoislegault) September 25, 2023