As the cost of every-day living rises, the need in the community is greater than ever.
The VOCM Cares Happy Tree, in partnership with the Salvation Army, is no exception as the number of families in need also continues to rise.
The Happy Tree is collecting gift donations for children and teens across the province—and there is a critical need for toys in a few different age ranges.
Major Jamie Locke of the Salvation Army says the generosity of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians continues to amaze them. Staff and volunteers are packing the hampers as they expect to distribute over 2,500 of them in the metro region alone. Fourteen-hundred bags of toys have already been packed.
They still have a ways to go as they need toys and gift cards for boys and girls ages 8 to 12.
Come Christmas Day, they expect to serve over 10,000 children in Newfoundland and Labrador.
He says when you’re out shopping, maybe pick up an extra item for the Happy Tree campaign.