The provincial government has revealed that an investigation by the Comptroller General into the contract signed with Canadian Health Labs for the provision of travel nurses has been handed over to the AG.
In February, Health Minister Tom Osborne indicated that the Comptroller General had been called in to examine the contract.
The Globe and Mail learned through Access to Information that the province paid $35 million over a five-month period for privately-employed travel nurses.
At the time Osborne indicated that the Comptroller General was “well positioned,” and “well-equipped” to carry out the review.
It was revealed during Question Period on Tuesday that the file has now been handed over to the Auditor General. Finance Minister Siobhan Coady was responding to questions from Opposition House Leader Barry Petten who wanted to know whether information collected by the Comptroller General would be released publicly.
Minister Coady told the house that some “preliminary data” was collected by the Comptroller General and handed over to the Auditor General for further investigation.