A solemn ceremony was held at Harbourside Park in St. john’s today to unveil a memorial honouring the lives lost during the sinking of the Villa De Pitanxo two years ago.
The vessel sank off the Grand Banks on February 15th 2022. Of the 24 crew on board, only three survived.
The memorial includes an image of the vessel with the words “Forever With Us” and the names of all 21 sailors who were lost written below.
One by one those names were read aloud, with teary-eyed family members approaching the memorial to lay flowers for their loved ones. Some laid multiple flowers on behalf of families who couldn’t be in attendance.
For Maria Jose de Pazo, who lost her father in the sinking, the memorial is very important and represents a connection with their loved ones here.
Alfredo Martinez, Ambassador of Spain to Canada, explains the plaque in this province is the last in a series that have been erected.
They have put plaques in the port of origin of each of the crew members, and now they have “closed the circle” by erecting one in this province. Martinez says it serves as a burial place for those whose bodies were never recovered.