St. John’s Mayor Danny Breen says the city is pleased with another successful season for the pedestrian mall.
But he admits aggressive panhandling is an issue they are hoping to address.
Breen says calls for greater police patrols in the downtown is a matter that falls under the jurisdiction of the province.
“It’s something that we would like to see, more patrols, particularly in the downtown area.”
He says it’s not so much that people are not safe, but that they don’t feel safe, and an “additional police presence would certainly help with that.”
The mayor says the capital city is working with government officials to address ongoing concerns over homelessness, mental health and addictions. A task force was formed last year made up of representatives from the province, city and not-for-profit organizations.
He says the province is continuing its work, while the city concentrates on addressing the social determinants of health and mental wellness through funding provided by the federal government.