The provincial government has introduced proposed amendments to the Labour Standards Act to include additional unpaid leave for long-term illness, long-term injury and organ donation.
Leave provisions have also been updated for those who serve in the reserve.
Under the proposed amendments, workers will have access to up to 27 weeks of job protected leave per year for long-term illness, long-term injury, or organ donation, and 104 weeks if the illness or injury is as the result of a criminal offence.
If passed, the amendments will also update the reservist leave provision to align with protections in other provinces, allowing those in the reserve better access to training and development opportunities.
Minister responsible Lisa Dempster says if passed, the amendments will also update the reservist leave provision to align with protections in other provinces.
That will allow those in the reserve better access to training and development opportunities.
She says the new amendments will offer workers peace of mind if they have to take an extended period off work.
She cites as an example those who have just received a cancer diagnosis. She says the proposed changes will take that added worry off people so they can focus on their recovery.