Members of the House of Assembly paid tribute to a brave young boy with a unanimous ‘thumbs-up’ yesterday.
The touching tribute took place before Question Period in the legislature.
Eleven-year-old Jacob Anstey, who suffered a debilitating cardiac arrest early in the year, was scheduled to pay a visit to the people’s house this week.
Sadly, he passed away unexpectedly on November 2.
With Jacob’s family watching on from the public gallery, Topsail-Paradise MHA Paul Dinn paid tribute to the young boy on the floor of the House of Assembly.
“Although Jake was non-verbal, he communicated by holding one thumb up, or one thumb down.” His mother Lisa, would put his thumbs in the up or down position, “and Jake would fix his gaze on either/or depending on his answer, and I can tell you, it was so inspiring to me,” said Dinn choking back tears. He then invited his fellow MHAs to join him in honouring Jake’s memory with a thumbs-up.