Half of the $144,050 raised through the annual VOCM Cares 50/50 raffle is going back into the community, and it looks as though a big portion of the winnings are going to help those in need as well.
The winner of this year’s raffle was Father Jeff Kolonel, the parish priest at St. Kevin’s in the Goulds.
Fr. Kolonel bought his raffle tickets back in September knowing that the money raised was going back into the community, never imagining that he’d be the winner.
He doesn’t have a lot of plans for his $72,025 in winnings, but his first priority will be a substantial donation to the parish’s St. Vincent de Paul food bank.
He says the need is always rising, and while the parish is very generous with donations, every little bit helps.
“You just need to help people,” says Fr. Kolonel. “Not everyone is fortunate enough, whether it’s due to job losses, whether it’s due to split-ups in relationships, whatever, some people are just in genuine need.”