The RNC says among the items seized in a recent drug and weapons bust at a house on St. Teresa’s Court off Mundy Pond Road were RCMP-issued body armour, handcuffs and pepper spray, previously reported stolen.
That’s a concern for law enforcement considering the mass shooting in Nova Scotia five years ago where the perpetrator was disguised as an RCMP officer.
RNC Constable James Cadigan says a number of people were arrested, and one person, Brett Pardy, has been charged.Video circulating on social media shows the extent of the measures taken in the arrest including an armoured vehicle with battering ram, and heavily-armed officers.
Cadigan says certain measures have to be taken where weapons are believed to be present.
“When we have information that there are potential firearms or prohibited weapons on site, we’re going to take steps to promote safety in the community and to keep our own officers safe.”