Four items celebrating NunatuKavut’s Inuit cultural links have been added to a display at The Rooms.
The NCC says the expansion of the collection at The Rooms represents an “important step in recognizing Indigenous rights and preserving the voices of NunatuKavut Inuit” for future generations.
President Todd Russell outlines the items that have been donated.
The new items include two Inuttitut bibles, a traditional seal skin lashed Kamutik or sled, a historic dog sled whip, and specially-made atigik – a traditional Inuit coat that was sewed and embroidered for Russell when he became the MP for Labrador.
Russell hopes that when people see the exhibit, they take away that NunatuKavut has a “long, dynamic, and beautiful story” that sometimes has not been told, or told correctly.
He says the artifacts will help tell their story in a more fulsome way, and give people a greater appreciation for them as Inuit.