The opposition is baffled as to why the provincial government did not include people over 70 in accessing free vaccination for shingles.
Out of nowhere, government brought in a free vaccination program for those 65-70, but anyone over 70 still has to pay unless they are immunocompromised.
Health Critic Barry Petten says his party is committed to full coverage, and that’s what forced the Liberals’ hand to even provide minimal coverage.
Petten says the PC Party would cover all people 65 and over, and everyone who has a compromised immune system.
Petten, the MHA for Conception Bay South, says he has gotten a lot of calls from people who can’t understand why the exclusion.
“They can’t make sense of it—if you’re 69 and in good health, you’re covered; if you’re 71 and in good health, you’re not covered.”