A local tech company says they are leading the world with the holographic technology they are developing.
Avalon Holographics recently received $1-million from the federal government to help push their NOVAC holographic display forward.
Founder Wally Haas says the technology, which at the moment is extremely expensive to create, consists of a 3×3 foot table with a 40-inch display size in which the hologram appears.
The easiest way to think about it, according to Haas, is that it “kind of looks like the star Wars chess table.”
He says the technology allows for “natural spatial awareness,” meaning people can see objects as if they are real.
Haas says the first applications of the technology would be for “high consequence” scenarios.
He says they are looking at defense and medical markets. For example, he says doctors could use the technology to look at how they would treat a complex tumor.
Haas also predicts future uses at more of a consumer level.
At a consumer level, he says people could play videos games or watch live sports such as hockey.