The story of a man who has been put on life support after waiting 36 hours for medevac services from Labrador to St. John’s is prompting others to speak out about their experiences.
Marlene Brown reveals that her family was in a similar position last year. She says her father became sick in Happy Valley-Goose Bay so they began trying to have him transported to St. John’s on September 14th.
Two days later, they were told there was a more critical case. It eventually required intervention from area MHA Perry Trimper on the 17th to finally get him out and to St. John’s.
She says it shouldn’t have to come to getting politicians involved and she should have to fight for proper medical services, they should be available.
Brown says her father passed away a short time later, and to be told her father wasn’t sick enough, she attests that “obviously he was.”
Brown has started a petition to Health Minister John Haggie demanding better healthcare for Labradorians, which has garnered nearly 600 signatures.