ArtsNL has awarded over $1.2-million to various professional arts organizations across the province.
In total, 26 companies will receive funding through the Sustaining Program for Professional Arts Organizations program, which is in its second year of a three-year cycle.
The money given ranges from $20,000 for some organizations to $80,000 for others.
The organizations are:
Artistic Fraud of Newfoundland
Eastern Edge Gallery
Friends of Writers at Woody Point
Gros Morne Summer Music
Kittiwake Dance Theatre
Lawnya Vawnya
Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Arts Society
Newfoundland Dance Presenters (Neighbourhood Dance Works)
Newfoundland Independent Filmmakers Co-operative
Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra Association
Nickel Film Festival
Opera on the Avalon
Perchance Theatre at Cupids
PerSIStence Theatre Company Inc.
RCA Theatre Company
Riddle Fence Publishing
Rising Tide Association
Sound Arts Initiatives (Sound Symposium)
Soundbone Traditional Arts Foundation
St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival
St. Michael’s Printshop
Stephenville Festival
TNL (Theatre Newfoundland Labrador)
Tuckamore Festival
White Rooster Theatre
Wonderbolt Productions