There are two new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Newfoundland and Labrador today.
One case in the Central Health Region, which is a contact of a previous case, the case is not related to the cluster in the region.
The second case is in the Western Health region, related to international travel.
Two people are in hospital due to COVID-19.
There are five new recoveries in Central Health today, leaving 101 active cases in the province.
There are now 63 cases associated with the cluster in Central Health as well as one probable case linked to the outbreak. The source remains under investigation.
The investigation into the cluster in Western Health is also ongoing. There are 11 confirmed cases, as well as three presumptive positive cases associated with that cluster.
As a result of the Westen Health cluster, communities in the St. George’s – Stephenville – Port au Port area on the west side of the Trans Canada Highway are in Alert Level 4. Including the towns of St. George’s, Stephenville Crossing, Stephenville, Port au Port East and all towns on the Port au Port Peninsula. As well as communities along Routes 460, 461, 462, 463 and 490.
Travel within this area should only be for esstential reasons. Public Health is encouraging people in the region to be tested regardless of if they have symptoms.