Residential electrical permit fees are going up in the capital city.
As things stand right now, all residential electrical permits cost $60.50.
However, the city says those fees have been in place for about 15 years, and do not account for the increased costs of administering the program.
With the increases, the minimum permit fee will increase by 20 per cent to $72.60.
However, the more expensive the project, the more the cost.
For example, a permit for a construction value of $10,000 – the highest amount – will increase by 185 per cent to $172.
The city says the increases are needed to ensure cost recovery for the program.
But, as was revealed in the latest committee of the whole meeting, the increases will make them the most expensive in the province, as current fees are in line with the provincial government.
Councillor Ron Ellsworth proposed that the city start looking at the fees on a more regular basis, so it doesn’t look like they’re making “excessive” increases just to get them up to date.
Council voted in favour of the increases at Committee of the Whole.
The next step will be a vote at a regular council meeting.
Once approved, there will be a three month grace period before the new fees kick in.