There will be no Ode to Newfoundland at this year’s Memorial University’s convocation ceremonies this year, while university officials consult with a variety of interest groups on the way forward.
The Ode was discontinued last fall because, according to Memorial, it did not reflect the many communities within the university.
An ad hoc committee of Senate, will work with Indigenous students, Labradorians, international students and other key groups about how to ensure convocation ceremonies are inclusive and “appropriately reflect and celebrate student achievements.”
Dr. Neil Bose apologizes for the approach taken in making the initial decision last year. He says the decision to remove the Ode from convocation was intended to create safer and more welcoming spaces for all students. He says they’ve heard the different reactions from many in the community and say they are committed to working together with representatives from different communities and groups, both internal and external, in considering the continued evolution of their convocation ceremonies.