The English School District is responding to concerns raised by the MHA for Mount Pearl-Southlands about changes to the bus route for some students attending Newtown Elementary.
Paul Lane raised the matter on VOCM Open Line with Paddy Daly last week after hearing from parents in Southlands who were shocked to learn that the school bus route had been extended, adding about 40 minutes to the trip each way.
The school district says eligible ridership among students at Newtown Elementary has dropped in recent years, resulting in one less school bus for the current school year.
The board says all five buses servicing Newtown Elementary have between 64 to 70 kids per bus. The ride time on two buses is about 26 minutes while the other three have a ride time between 36 and 38 minutes—which the board says is “well within” the Student Transportation guidelines and comparable to other schools in the metro region.