Three counter protests are organized for tomorrow as far-right and anti-trans groups are planning a national protest against LGBTQ+ inclusive education policies.
Activist Sarah Worthman is helping to organize the counter demonstrations, which are taking place in St. John’s, Corner Brook, and Grand Falls-Windsor.
Worthman says their plan is to meet the protestors at every place they’ll be waving their flags.
She says that those groups are spreading misinformation, such as claims that children are being educated about very sexual topics at a young age as part of inclusive policy.
That, insists Worthman, is “not true whatsoever,” saying that they are just teaching kids that LGBTQ people exist, that people can love whomever, and identify however they choose.
Those inclusive policies, she says, save lives, and there are higher rates of suicide when they don’t exist. Worthman says there will be “blood on their hands” if the inclusive policies are removed.