DFO has changed its approach to assessment of the northern cod stocks, moving the stock up from the Critical to the Cautious Zone. A peer review of the northern cod assessment model resulted in a series of changes that DFO says improves the understanding of past trends in the stock and the relationship between adult and young cod.
For years, both harvesters and processors saw positive growth in the stock, but stock assessments remained in the critical zone, resulting in very limited quotas.
That resulted in calls from the industry for DFO to reconsider its Precautionary Approach and revise its Limit Reference Point.
DFO says it is changing its approach to stock assessments, and the Atlantic Groundfish Council is hopeful that will mean a more positive outlook on stock health.
That, coupled with reports from the Stewardship Fishery and the upcoming DFO research vessel survey, is leading to hopes that continued rebuilding of the stock will be confirmed says President of Icewater Seafoods, Alberto Wareham.
FFAW Reaction
An elated FFAW President, Greg Pretty describes the announced changes as “an incredible day for the province.”
He says after more than 30 years after the cod moratorium, and DFO is using data dating back 70 years to the 1950s instead of the 1980s when cod was already on the decline. “Guess what that resulted in?” says Pretty, “increases, it looks like we’re out of the critical zone.”
He says there’s still a lot of work to be done however, and meetings are coming up in March during which time the union will be able to provide input on the future of the cod fishery.