Residents in the town of Grand Falls-Windsor will not be hit with any mill rate increases in 2024.
Residential rates remain unchanged at 8.5 mills and 10.75 for businesses. Due to the increase in property assessments, some households could pay up to 7 per cent more in taxes.
The town is expecting to grow in the years to come with industries like mining and wind developments expanding within the region. Council has submitted an application to 280 new housing units with the help of funding from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Infrastructure upgrades are also in the offing with money set aside to improve drinking water, enhance accessibility, street paving, and replacing some town equipment.
More information on the budget can be found on the town’s website.
Meanwhile, the Town of Clarenville is holding their mill rates steady in 2024.
The residential rate remains at 8.3 mills and 9.5 mills for commercial.
While spending is up, residents will not be hit with any extra fees when it comes to water and sewer and poll tax.
The town plans to make some infrastructure upgrades in the new year, with $550,000 set aside to repair roads and sidewalks.
A full breakdown of the budget can be found on the town’s website.