A renowned lyricist from Newfoundland and Labrador is set to take his place in history at this year’s East Coast Music Awards.
The man of a thousand songs, Ron Hynes, will be inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame at the event.
Hynes, who passed away in 2015 gained widespread critical acclaim over the course of his decades long career, and is often referred to as one of the greatest Canadian storytellers ever.
Songs such as “No Change in Me,” “Atlantic Blue,” and “The St. John’s Waltz” are notable examples of Hynes’ works.
But it is his song “Sonny’s Dream,” which he wrote in 10 minutes at the age of 25, that become his most renowned composition. It looks at the isolation of living in Newfoundland and the desire to go explore the world beyond our waters.
Over the course of his career, Hynes amassed 22 ECMA nominations and wins in categories of song of the year, artist of the year twice, and album of the year.
Hynes will be posthumously inducted by the founder of the hall of fame, Frank Davies, April 30 at Mile One Centre.