The province’s health authority is taking steps to standardize the use of agency nurses in the province, but the approach is not sitting well with the province’s largest public sector union.
The RNU has long expressed concern over the growing use of agency nurses, many of whom work elbow to elbow with their members in the public system at much higher rates of pay.
Former Health Minister Tom Osborne previously called the use of such nurses a “necessary evil” in order to fill significant gaps in the health care system.
NAPE President Jerry Earle, who also represents workers in the health care system, wants to see a system that will eliminate the use of agency nurses.
“Not only has this private entity gotten its foot in the door, but it seems as though they’ve pushed the door further open,” he told Tim Powers on VOCM. He says government is now saying they’re going to standardize the use of “a private, profit-driven model that does not deliver cost-effective services and does not improve services.”
NL Health Services says an RFP has been called to help standardize the use of private agency nurses who will be called upon only once all other employment sources have been exhausted.