Line-painting, or lack-there-of, on the roadways in the City of Corner Brook, is an ongoing issue for drivers and pedestrians with some crosswalks almost completely faded away.
The city says it’s an issue they deal with every year, as they are yet to find a paint they can get multiple years, or even seasons, out of.
Don Burden, the director of public works with Corner Brook, says line painting cannot start until they get consistent temperatures above 10 degrees.
He says it’s no good to put down paint and then have the temperature drop overnight because then the paint doesn’t cure. They will begin painting once the spring clean-up gets underway and they get sand off the roads.
He says they’ve started the layout and dotting where lines will go, but it will be early June before lines actually start getting painted.
The city of St. John’s has also experienced issues in the past with finding the right mix to keep paint on the roads for extended periods of time.