There will be no tax increases in the city of Mount Pearl for 2022, but some fees will be going up.
The city tabled its $52-million budget in council chambers earlier this evening.
The mil rate will remain stable at 7.1 mils for residential properties, and 11.5 for commercial properties.
However, Mayor Dave Aker does note that some city rates and fees are going up in 2022, such as the cost of swimming and rentals at The Glacier.
He explains that, at the Glacier for example, they are paying an extra $50,000 per year for security to ensure that public health guidelines are followed. He says that sometimes such costs have to be passed on, but he believes they have struck a good balance in the budget.
As well, the budget sees $190,000 allocated towards enhancement of community safety. That includes money to upgrade the city’s surveillance systems, increases to the park patrol program, and enhancements to community programming through municipal enforcement.
Other budget highlights include $330,000 for the city’s trails, development of a new municipal plan, and a Transportation network review.